Saturday, June 16, 2007

Thing #2 71/2 things observations #2 71/2 things

This will be fun and I don't mind playing with it. The toughest things will be having confidence and keeping up each week or each day. Here we go with trying some other steps. Accepting responsibility for my own learning is a strength where having confidence is a weakness.

Goals: Become aware of technology and become comfortable using it.
2. Time and not growing up with technology
4. Resources: Library, friends, books
5. first do 23 things; then go back and revisit each when complete and have time and need to use it.

This is my contract which I signed.


JimD said...

I don't think we need confidence as much as we need to give up fear of failure. I learned a ton of fascinating stuff on this program once I gave up the fear of looking like a goofball. Too bad I can't carry that into the rest of my life!!!!

2kids 2dogs 2tired said...

TAG! YOUR IT! Take a look at my blog, 2kids 2dogs 2tired, to see what it's about