Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Great Books- LATI project.- Reference books

Yesterday I attended Great Books. I was in 2 Young Adult book groups and one Juvenile book group. It is always enjoyable to hear the variety of opinions and thoughts on the books. The speaker was Bruce Coville who touched on the reluctant reader which just happens to be my LATI project topic. I read some great young adult books that were for older young adults not young teens. Anything But Ordinary was one of the books about high school seniors going to college and coming of age. Another book that was very funny was I Love You Beth Cooper. It was about a high school valedictorian who instead of giving his prepared speech declared his love for Beth Cooper- high school cheerleader etc.

On my own for the branch I work in I read the teen book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas It is another Holocaust approach and story. It reads quick but is tragic.

I'm trying to pace myself on the reference books, but am behind at the present time. My goal is to catch up this next week.

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